The Mummy Case
1985 • 327 pages


Average rating4


In this book, because of Emerson's tardiness in booking a location, he and Peabody are doomed to excavate in a most unpromising area of Egypt, where they find nothing of interest. However, they find themselves under attack by two different people, operating independently, for reasons that are unknown until the end of the story.

As usual in this series, I have little interest in the overcomplex mystery that underlies the plot of the story, but I enjoy the dialogue and the thought processes of our intrepid heroine. Emerson and Peabody are amusing, and their precocious 7-year-old son Ramses is hilarious: I laughed out loud repeatedly while reading.

The amusement value is such that I might give the book 4 stars, but I deduct a star for the rather tedious mystery.

Ramses appeared only briefly in the preceding book; this is the first one in which he's present for the whole length of the story, and plays a significant part in the plot.

April 20, 2012