The Murderess

The Murderess


The Murderess by Laurie Notaro

When Ruth shows up at the train station with a suitcase so heavy and leaking blood... She has to run away as fast as she can. What they find inside the cases leaves them all stunned. The dead bodies of 2 women, one hacked to pieces and a woman now on the run.

This book was a tad slow for my liking. I do understand it is based on a real life crime so that kept me intrigued. We get the current day timeline and the past. Ruth was friends with both of the girls and the past is the lead up to the fateful night in question.

Ruth and her friends were basically trafficked by a man and they all ended up fighting over him. I never liked any of the characters and I didn't like Ruth but you can see how it all ended up the way it did and that made me sad for the women. The plot was great, getting a fictionalized story of Ruth before she went to prison based on the things the author did know and took creative license with the rest.

It was a decent audio but I wish the pace had been better.

4 stars

October 18, 2024