The Name of the Wind
1 • 669 pages


Average rating4.4

  • the writing was very engaging, i generally found myself being swept along with it and the first half passed very smoothly.
    - i really really didn't care for Kvothe's romance arc with Denna, and i think that's when the book kinda took a dip and went downhill from about 50-80+%. it only picked up a tiny bit when they first discovered the draccus and when we see tiny glimpses of Denna's banter and wit, but then after that it went back to meh all the way until Kvothe finally summoned the name of the wind. i gotta admit i started skimming through some chapters during this entire arc. the rest of the plot was a pretty good epic fantasy but the romance bits were so incongruously amateurish somehow.
    - i enjoyed the bits at the end when Elodin finally started talking a bit more about how Naming works, and also that exciting bar fight with the demon-possessed (?) mercenary at the Waystone Inn.
    - i was annoyed by adult Kvothe at the beginning of the book, was OK with him as a child and a teen all the way until he got all half-crazy and obsessive over Denna then i was really annoyed, and by the end he's just meh all right. i'm confused why he's holding himself off from Denna despite being in contact with her, and then also lusting over Fela at the same time :WaitWhat:
    - things i care about by the end of the book: Auri, Bast, the system of Naming, Elodin's backstory, the Underthing
    - this book was a 4/5 for me for the first half, but then dipped down to a 3 in the middle and now i guess i'd probably settle around 3.75 maybe?
    - would i read the next book? a big Maybe. i'm not entirely ruling it out, but i'd definitely need a significant amount of time before i decide if i want to pick it up.
August 5, 2020