Average rating4.1
I spent a week inside of this book and I did not want to leave. It's a similar experience to when I read [b:Girl, Woman, Other 41081373 Girl, Woman, Other Bernardine Evaristo https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1542296262l/41081373.SY75.jpg 64185267]. So many great, complex characters, great plot lines and laugh out loud moments. The Night Watchman felt like an epic. I adored it. I want more. I both read this and listened to some of it on audio and literally pulled my car over in shock during the dog collar scene. This is not my first Erdrich, I've been a fan for a long time, but I loved The Night Watchman. I would say it's my favorite book I have read this year, but that spot was taken already. LOL. Definitely a five-star read and quite the contender for Camp TOB (Tournament of Books) 2020. I'll start tie-dying my “Team Erdrich” t-shirt now.