The Night Whistler

The Night Whistler

2020 • 385 pages

I would like to thank Netgalley for an uncorrected proof in exchange for an honest review.

This is not a genre I have ever really had any interest in at all. I generally stick to Sci-Fi and Horror. This book however has opened my eyes to another world.
I found this absolutely compelling.
I've not come across many books that make me think and care about the characters after I've put it down. And now that it's over I find myself missing them.
The story is deep and perfectly paced, the setting is beautifully realised, and the characters are compelling and realistically fleshed out. All in all creating a world that I found myself sucked into and struggling to leave.

This is a gem of a book and I recommend it to anyone that likes an all round brilliantly crafted story.

If that doesn't convince you, I loved it enough to purchase the final copy. This author deserves to be rewarded for the journey he took me on.

August 25, 2020