The Obelisk Gate
2016 • 411 pages


Average rating4.3


I feel unqualified to review this. Obviously, it's genius. Obviously, I have not read enough fantasy/scifi to be enlightened enough to review it. I just really, really dig these books. The world building is amazing, the characters are so multi-dimensional, and the plot moves at a pace where I am never, ever bored.

I have two gripes, one is valid and the other one is just stupid, and my fault.
First, I am having trouble with Nassun, who is supposed to be 10 but who is sly like a 40 year old. I'm just not buying her character. It doesn't help that I see that whole POV of “team bad guy” anyway.

Can I just say how I wish Castrima actually existed and was a hotel and I could vacation there for a week?

Other problem, the plot. My ridiculous brain that reads two books a week cannot remember every plot point from 7 months ago when I read the first book. How do people keep these series books straight? Especially something like this with all of these characters and locations. It's funny but I remembered Essun and Tonkee, and Alabaster. I forgot everyone else. I forgot who Hoa was! I forgot (and still can't quite remember) Schaffa. So, this time I kept a written record of everything that happend so that I can read that and remind myself before the 3rd (and final?) one comes out.

I'm going to wait a bit and then go and read her other series.

August 22, 2016