The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
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Gary Keller devote the majority of the content of this book on focusing on single task in hand and avoid multi tasking and he provide plenty of evidence and study results on the matter. He strongly believes multi taking doomed to mediocre results and one of the most important factor for success is focusing on task in hand.
Identifying the tasks that matter the most and turning it in to habit is another aspect which have been covered within the book. Gary believes discipline is not matter as much as conventional wisdom suggests, but keep repeating the most important task regularly till they become habit is a great deal. Being able to make anything to habit can have halo effect and can making habit development easier and easier on long run.
In addition will power described as another key ingredient to be able to focus the most important tasks. He demonstrate a full study result done with small kids and the kids destiny in hindsight. Gray clarify that will power is finite and need to be managed efficiently, otherwise we ran out of will power on non important tasks.
Time boxing, success list rather than to do list, saying no to non important things and lots of other good advise are provided within the book. In my eyes if you have been through few other self improvement books you might find almost all the points within this book repetitive.