The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm

The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm

2014 • 568 pages


Average rating4


I am honestly stuck on what I want to rate this, obviously there is no half star option but I am torn between giving this 2 stars, and 1.5 stars. Anyway, I wanted to give up by the end of February because I was kind of over this series. Some of the stories are just repetitive. So from March - June I would read a few pages here and there while doing my hair, but by July I wanted to get this book off of my “currently reading” list. Anyway, here is what I took from this series:

- Girls are stupid, girls are vain, girls can walk on a fruit or a vegetable without squishing it thus proving they are girls, and finally girls should marry men old enough to be their parent.

- Incest is okay between a father and daughter.

- A Dwarf is always magical, be nice to them.

- Animals sometimes aren't just animals, they could be magical, or even royalty.

- Witches are always old mean women.

- You must do whatever your parents tell you because they know everything.

- Don't wish for something out loud because there is a 99% chance it will happen.

- Kidnapping a child is okay if a child is bad.

- Oh, and you die in the end... a good portion of the time.

One star taken off for repetitiveness, one star taken off for having women look stupid a majority of the time, and one star taken off for the way they portray incest. I really want to take off .5 stars for just being annoyed with it, but I don't think that would be fair. But hey, I am just glad I finished reading this.

August 15, 2017