Average rating3.9
“Reality is thin ice, but most people skate on it their whole lives and never fall through until the very end. We did fall through, but we helped each other out. We're still helping each other.”
4.5 Stars to The Outsider
I loved this book. I loved the Mr Merceades trilogy and the Outsider did not let me down one bit! The character of Detective Ralph Anderson really grew on me as I read on and Holly Gibney is basically perfect.
Modern King writes very differently to the King of 10, 20 years ago. I don't hate that, whilst I love classic King the more modern reads are (to me) easy page-turners!
If you havent already, read the Outsider (and the Mr Mercades trilogy)! Onto Doctor Sleep now...
“Just promise me you'll stop every once in a while and acknowledge the day, honey. It's the only one you'll have until tomorrow.”