the patient routine

the patient routine

227 pages


Average rating3


Do you like stories that leave you wondering what's real and what's not with a strong splash of body horror and a dash of the crazy-making nature of interacting with a healthcare system that makes you feel unheard? If so, look no further the patient routine has you covered.

The stream of consciousness format made for a very quick read and there was something so oppressive and dread inducing about being pulled directly into the heart of the horror that is Ashton's internal life throughout the ordeal that I just didn't see time fly.

While the character through which we experience the story is not especially likeable they're compelling in their own way and there is something just so heartbreaking about their condition that I couldn't help but be invested in them.

Disclosure: I received a digital review copy of this book from Brigids Gate Press through NetGalley.

May 17, 2023