The Persistence of Memory
2012 • 158 pages


Average rating3


Where to start??? This was all flavors of good. A very, very slow burn romance of which there isn't much in real time on the page but I found myself falling for hook, line and sinker. By the final scene I was a goner for Elijah as much as Daniel and we still know next to nothing about him. We know his physicality and his “condition” but that's not what I'd call knowing someone. What we do have is a perfectly imagined and peopled world which is what [a:Jordan Castillo Price 268722 Jordan Castillo Price] always does to perfection: a recognizable now yet slightly different. In this case we have mnem artificial memories in which people indulge like going to the movies or an amusement park. Much like the Psychs in the PsyCops universe mneming isn't all that it's cracked up to be. And so we have a lowly practitioner of the art, Daniel Schroeder, who comes to this crossroads in his life as it was on its slow boat to mediocre:“So just when I figured my life had turned out pretty much the way it was going to be until I smoked my lungs black and worked my way to an early grave, everything went and changed on me.”This turn of events comes about because of ... a black feather. I'll leave it at that. The real beauty here is Daniel's seemingly drab world: Big Dan, Aunt Pipsie, Carlotta and who doesn't need a Larry Kelly as a friend? Seriously he's awesome. Another bright spot? I loved that Daniel is 45 and acts like it. He's smart. He has a history. He doesn't exist in a vacuum. I won't say more. Just go read it. And if you can do the audio by [a:Seth Clayton 14956475 Seth Clayton] is the stuff of genius.4.50 Because I'm being selfish and would've preferred the whole story in one volume. ;-)

April 18, 2017