The Plot
2021 • 336 pages


Average rating3.5


DNF @ 26%

Sometimes the premise of a book just vibes with you the wrong way. And the way this book talks about “The Plot” just drives me crazy. At one point, the has-been author who is teaching the student who comes up with The Plot thinks “even a person with no writing skills could not ruin a Plot like this” and talks about every single person he knows is going to read this Plot and it will be on Oprah and bestseller's lists and is a Plot that is absolutely revolutionary and has never been done before. EVEN his parents would read it, and they wouldn't read has-been author's books!! Obviously, we do not get to know “The Plot”, because then Korelitz would have to actually come up with this incredible plot. So it is left on the reader to suspend disbelief that, okay, this random narcissist who has never taken a writing workshop or tried writing at all, would come up with a Plot so spectacular that it'd be the best thing ever.

Unfortunately, I cannot suspend that disbelief. It's a short sighted way to view literature, and every book is more than its plot. There is no plot ever conceived of that could not be ruined by a poor writer. To reduce the complexity of the reading experience down to “The Plot” is ridiculous. It reminds me of Seth Rogen talking about plot vs story. The plot of Superbad is two guys trying to get laid at a party...the story is two guys who are going to miss each other after graduation. And maybe this book actually deals with a little more nuance later on....but considering I hate it already, I'll pass.

January 11, 2022