The Princess Knight

The Princess Knight


Average rating4


Before seeing this book on Bookish First I had never come across any of this authors books. As shocking as it may seem that is something that happens all the time. Many thanks to BF for putting this series in my path.

I must admit that when I saw that this book was not centered around Keeley I was a bit worried. I liked her so much and wanted more of her and Caid that I didn't know if I would even care as much about Gemma. Luckily I didn't let that stop me from enjoying yet another wild ride of a series.

Gemma and Keeley are alike and yet so different. They are alike in that they are both bad ass women in many ways. Different because they don't see people and situations in the same way AT ALL. Where Keeley sees the good in everyone, Gemma absolutely does not (I mean...I relate to her somewhat there LOL). She may be a tough nut to crack but it's absolutely worth it when you do.

This books gives us all the the great world building, family dynamic, banter, fight scenes that we got in book one. And it's all still fun to read. Just like The Blacksmith Queen the romance takes a back seat to the main focus of the story. It's there. It's just not in your face. If you blink you miss it sort of. This is not shapeshifting smut (Although do hit me up with them recs though.). There is more to this than that. It's been a fun journey so far and I can't wait for more.

November 11, 2020