Cover 3

The Push

The Push: A Climber's Search for the Path



Average rating3


There's an awkward balance when writing a memoir, between full disclosure and reasonable privacy: you want to tell your story, while also honoring those who've played roles in it, remembering that what you show is only one perspective of a greater whole. Caldwell's balance on peppercorn-sized rock grains is unequaled, but in this story I don't think he got it right. There were long stretches where I felt uncomfortable reading his portrayals of his loved ones, and even of himself. Sure, he's young, but maybe a good editor would've encouraged him to make a few small changes? (Maybe they did). Anyhow, there was a lot more in here than I'd expected or in fact wanted. Perhaps more than his family or past connections wanted, too.

No need for me to say more. If you're a climber, you've probably already read this or are going to. If you're not, there isn't much need for you to read it.

June 10, 2021