The Rabbit Problem

The Rabbit Problem



Average rating4


Just when you think you've seen it all in the world of children's picture books, you run into The Rabbit Problem. No one would say that this is just another children's picture book. Then again, Emily Gravett has never been known for being ordinary. Here are all the ways this book goes beyond ordinary:

(1) The Rabbit Problem is a book formatted like a calendar.
(2) The calendars, one for each month of the year, include attachments, including invitations, a baby book, and a cookbook, all three-dimensional.
(3) The story is told through scribbles on the calendar and the attachments. Very, very clever.
(4) We know what is coming and yet we are totally unprepared for the gravity of the problem as it unfolds, depicted with hilarious illustrations illustrating each month of the year on the calendar.

Summary: If grownups were the target audience for this picture book, I feel certain it would fall in the top ten this year.

November 23, 2011