The Raven King
2016 • 400 pages


Average rating4.1


This took me the longest to read of all the other books in the series. I felt like it had the least action, the author added more unnecessary characters that did little to further the story, and it had a somewhat unsatisfactory ending that was too easy for it having had a 4 book lead-up. Overall, the series was a bit of a disappointment as many friends had enjoyed it but I was left wanting.
The plot is all over the place in each of these books and nothing ever gets more believable or remotely explained. The author likes to add a bunch of new characters each book that do nothing for the plot and/or are killed off in the next book anyway, as well as killing actually good characters with little fanfare or reason. With the confusing plot points and undeveloped characters, it doesn't get any easier to follow - you have to read it moment to moment without getting the big picture of what's happening and why. The whole point this series revolves around - the finding of Owain Glynd??r (Glendower) - was a total wash. The highlight of these books are the likeable main characters - namely Adam, Ronan, and Noah - but all display some low-key racism and classism, especially with the introduction of Henry into their group (who is of mixed Asian descent). I'm impartial to both Blue and Gansey, arguably the main of the main characters, as they each have personality traits that annoy me and are given to some typical YA cliches that are eyeroll-inducing.

I'm done ripping this to shreds. I read them all to finish so they stay at “just ok” in my rating but I can't see reading any more from this author.

November 10, 2017