Average rating4
Thoroughly enjoyed this one - a smart piece of story telling. Some nice little twists and turns along the way, some of which I saw coming, some I did not. I'm to be extremely vague in this review, because it would be very hard to be otherwise without giving away important spoilers.
I felt the key characters were perhaps a little under-explored - Eolo in particular, despite being front-and-center for much of the story - while having an intriguing background still didn't feel as fleshed out as I would have liked - there was a lot hinted at which just didn't go anywhere.
I can see why - because this isn't really Eolo's story - but despite that, from a reader's point of view, I would have liked to see a little bit more about Eolo and a couple of the other more interesting characters.
Despite that - I loved the concept of the gods, their power and the effect they had on the world, and the overall arc.