The Real Leonardo Da Vinci

The Real Leonardo Da Vinci


Average rating3


This was a really interesting biography about a man that I've always been curious about. I've read quite a few biographies about Leonardo da Vinci but none of them were as upfront about his sexuality as this one. I've always know that Leo was a gay man, but this book really went into the evidence of it and even talked about things that he wrote in his journals that pointed to his homosexuality. I just found that the book didn't flow as easily as I would've liked it to, it felt like things jumped all over the place and focused a lot on other people. Otherwise, I learned a lot from this book, which is always great to get from a non-fiction!

Thank you to Pen & Sword History and NetGalley for providing me with an eBook copy to review.

June 26, 2021Report this review