The Reaper Follows: A Novel

The Reaper Follows: A Novel

2024 • 320 pages • 10h 14m


Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

Copaganda Mars Exciting Series Finale. If you read my review of Danger In Numbers (Book 1 of this series), you'll see that I read this series *completely* out of order... and yet it still somehow makes sense, even the way I read it. So take that comment however you will.

That noted, this was absolutely one of those tales where it seems like prior key characters are coming out of the woodwork to all join in the chase to the finale and the ultimate showdown of Good vs Evil in the Florida Everglades... but *who is it*? ;)

The pacing was solid, the murders gruesome, the mystery good enough, but ultimately what mars this tale is what another reviewer called the "love fest" between all the police agencies involved. Local, State, and Feds all get along perfectly (which goes against what virtually *every other source*, fictional and non, tends to say), and worse for this former anti-police brutality activist is just how often some cop shoots someone "but was forced into it" and "didn't want to". Bullshit. Police brutality is an all too real thing in this nation, and Graham exposes herself as just another Copaganda bullshit spewer that thinks that all cops are always saints and everyone in their crosshairs somehow "deserves it", no matter what. This leaves a very sour aftertaste to an otherwise thrilling conclusion to the series.

This series had great promise, and *is* a legitimately solid enough story, particularly for those who agree with Graham's position on policing in America, but it could have been *so much more*. Still, even with all of the Copaganda, this really was a fun read and is very much recommended.

Originally posted at

March 15, 2024