What If Adam’s Rib Is No Longer Willing to Be the Church’s Backbone?
Short review: Henderson interviews a number of women across the spectrum of theological understanding of the role of women and asking them their thoughts, and some difficult questions about their understanding of the role of women in the church, what they think would happen if women would stop participating in the church and why they have chosen to participate in the way they have. His three categories are Resigned (to their place in the church), Resigned (from the church) or Re-signed (up to get back into the church). This is unlikely to change many minds, but I think it will comfort women that feel abandoned and spark some men to step up and advocate for women. One of the interesting thoughts is that in the secular world men are the majority of mentors of women in business. This is the case because there are not that many women in upper levels. But what is almost universally true about male mentors is that they have daughters. This is not a theological book. There are not discussions long discussions of scripture (there are lots of other books that do that), this is about hear stories.
My full review is on my blog at http://bookwi.se/eve/