Average rating4.2
TBF It's not the full 5 stars, more like 4.90-4.95. I just can't give it a full 5 stars, but I can't give it 4.75 either. The ending dragged on and the third-act separation was unnecessary. SPOILER: they got together at the 70% mark and I was too anxious reading the remaining 30% because I knew something bad was going to happen to give it a full 5 stars. But I'm glad that they didn't do a full breakup - they just needed to think through stuff and decide their future, though they still considered they were both in the relationship. And I liked it, it took some of the sting away.
Ryan is the best brother ever and an even better book boyfriend. I loved him in the first book the most and now I love him even more He's sweet and thoughtful and AMAZING and I felt so bad for him when he was being fouled all the time in the game and the refs didn't care.
Indy was amazing. I loved her since the first book and I'm so glad that she ended up with Ryan! She was so messy and colorful and full of life, and she was the exact person Ryan needed. She brought hope and wildness to his life, letting him shed some of the control and letting him know it was okay not to be perfect all the time. He could be himself around her; she didn't care that he was famous, she wanted him for himself and he didn't have to put an act on around her and that was the most important thing.
I have so many notes on my phone gushing about both Ryan and Indy. The nickname (I love it when he guy has a nickname for his girl (especially before they're even together) and this one was amazing), the bookshelf, the bed, the ASL, the flowers, vegetarian meals, the coffee, the treatment, the care when she was sick (HE BRAIDED HER HAIR, I MELTED), the HOUSE. All of it is from Ryan. But he didn't need material things from Indy - what she gave him was more important than that. She made him more open and validated his needs. She let him be himself with no judgment or expectations. She planned the foundation, organized the team dinner, and made him believe that he was wanted and loved for who he was rather than who he thought he had to be.
While Ryan was adamant that Indy was the sensitive one, he was one too. He cried so many times during this book, and it was beautiful to see him coming to terms with his feelings, and not letting fears rule his life anymore. I loved the character development and the way they both complimented each other. While Indy spent her life taking care of everyone around her, Ryan took care of her and showed her she was wanted and loved for being herself - not for what she could do for others. I loved that.
Both Ryan and Indy's backstories were sad and in the case of Ryan, brutal and cruel. He deserved so much better and I'm glad that Indy was there to show him that. The way they both look out for one another is beautiful.
The spice in this book was excellent too. Hot and delicious, and it wasn't there just to make this book spicy. It was important for both their dynamic and growth. It was there to show them that they're both loved and wanted and what happened in the past doesn't have to define them now or in the future.
I'm very happy that Zanders and Stevie were a part of this book as well and the friendship between Zee and Ryan, and Vee and Blue were important parts of this book. I loved them in the previous one and I'm glad they're still around. The humor in this book was excellent, especially the “daily updates” and Stevie's reactions to them. It was so fun having them around and seeing how their relationship develops from the sidelines.
The epilogue was so wholesome and cute! I loved that and I loved that it was (somewhat?) realistic, given Indy's struggles. I loved how both families are still friends years into the future and I loved reading about all the wholesome additions to their lives.
I enjoyed the setup for the next book though I wish there was more of Kai in this book - I selfishly want more Vee, Zee, Indy, and Ryan in the future books as well. I'm excited for this series and I hope the next books will be just as fun!