Average rating4
Are we going to die now?
What are we going to do?
We're going to drink some water. Then we're going to keep going down the road.
There are few books that have left such a deep impression as The Road.
A man, a boy, a desolate post-apocalyptic world, and The Road.
That's all.
McCarthy's writing style is just as desolate as the world he writes about. It never becomes entirely clear what has happened; brief, fleeting flashbacks are all the reader gets.
You can feel the despair of the world in which the man and the boy live.
The man is cynical, and survival is his top priority. The boy, on the other hand, has great compassion.
This gives rise to highly emotional situations.
A beautiful story that is heart-wrenching.
5 stars
Because we're the good guys.
And we're carrying the fire.