Average rating3.5
Can we please reserve the cartoon covers for light, swoony romance?!? Because this was definitely not that. It struck me more as literary fiction with some romantic elements thrown in and I did not enjoy the reading experience at all. I read the first few chapters, saw the direction it was going in and quickly skimmed the rest. I am so happy I didn't spend time finishing this book.Much like [b:People We Meet on Vacation 54985743 People We Meet on Vacation Emily Henry https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1618913179l/54985743.SX50.jpg 67832306], this is a story about two people who have been in love with each other for years, during which time they are in relationships with other people. The difference between the [b:The Roughest Draft 57933316 The Roughest Draft Emily Wibberley https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1622091718l/57933316.SX50.jpg 77336310] and [b:People We Meet on Vacation 54985743 People We Meet on Vacation Emily Henry https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1618913179l/54985743.SX50.jpg 67832306], is that the former spends a lot of time on the MCs relationships with other people. Thus, we are forced to reckon with the betrayal of their love and it really dulled the “romance” of the book for me. If this book had been marketed as literary fiction, I would have gone in with different expectations and probably enjoyed it for what it was. As it stands, I am a moody reader who was hoping for light, swoony romance and was instead hit with this. I just wish this book had been marketed as what it was