Average rating3.3
Ohhhh goddamnit McCaffrey I just don't know.
So the first like 3/4 of this book is actually surprisingly great and features some really good female characters and The Rowan is powerful and sometimes scary and ... it actually had me going like maybe it is actually possible for McCaffrey to write a good story
and then Rowan falls in love “at first sight” with this powerful stranger telepath dude and like
Okay, actually, I am okay with this, because you just like fused minds with him and so I can get on board with that, it's romantic, you know each other SO WELL now
But then The Rowan turns into this weepy girl-child, she gets all weird and needy
and it turns out he's MORE POWERFUL than her because OF COURSE HE IS otherwise how could he be lovingly protective of her
and then he mind-rapes her SO THAT'S COOL I GUESS
and then there's all this shit about how all she wants to do is make babbies and now she finally feels happy and complete and FEMININE
and dude gets a promotion and is off having an active career while she decides to sort of lay low and be domestic
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻