The Scarlet Letter and Other Writings

The Scarlet Letter and Other Writings

1850 • 443 pages


Average rating3.1


Actual Rating: 2.5

Honestly, this book kinda sucks. I'm really sorry if you have to read it for school and analyze it, because I read it for leisure and didn't like it.

For one, this book is incredibly boring. There are pages of useless description that add nothing to the story. Yes, I am aware that classics tend to have far more description than books nowadays, but at least the descriptions are usually conducive to the plot. Not in this case. My eyes kind of glazed over some of the pages because they were irrelevant to the story. The pacing in this book is so weird. So weird. It kind of (emphasis on kind of) follows Pearl through her early life. Except... she's a baby in one part. Then she's four. And then she's seven. There's no in between. It wasn't hard to follow, just irritating.

As for the plot... it's kind of awful. Basically, Hester commits adultery and the guy she does it with struggles with his guilt until the “epic” and “majestic” conclusion at the end. Let me tell you. The description on the back of this particular copy is so deceiving. It sounds so great, and cool, and epic and it's just... not.

I didn't like the characters. Arthur kind of pissed me off with his selfishness and Hester was just eh. And Roger? That was just one weird, messed up dude. There was nothing compelling for me in this book.

Anyways, this book was pretty bad except for the writing. Really, I read classics for the writing. I find it so beautiful and elegant, and books just aren't written the same way today. Hawthorne's writing is absolutely lovely. I loved learning new vocabulary words from this book (somnambulism!) and maybe I'll use them to enhance my own writing.

Overall, this book, to say it frankly, sucks. Everything is awful except for Hawthorne's writing itself and the historical connections you can make for it. Again- I apologize if you have to read it for school. Good luck to you, good sir.

September 3, 2017