Cover 6

The Secret Keeper

The Secret Keeper

2022 • 426 pages


Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

Tense Spy Thriller In Oft-Overlooked Area Of WWII. This tale was exactly what I said in the title of the review - a tense spy thriller based in the OSS days of the CIA during WWII and apparently based on the experiences of a real-life actress-turned-spy. Here, we see theoretically neutral Spain (under dictator Francisco Franco, in the early part of his reign) as a hotbed for spying by both sides and the tense and sometimes deadly stakes that arise from any spy story. But we also get a much more intimate and personal look at issues involving trust and betrayal, and throughout the text the reader is kept wondering as much as the protagonist is: just who can you trust? One of the more interesting features of this particular tale was the series of letters the protagonist's grandmother writes - knowing she'll never be able to send them - describing her ordeals in Paris as France falls and during the war. Overall an excellent tale well told, and very much recommended.

July 20, 2022