Average rating4
Well, this was weird. I'm almost at a loss as to how to rate it. 3.5 stars maybe?
On one hand, it raised a lot of really interesting points about history - not just in the type that we study of the long-ago past, but also in the way our present is becoming history right under our noses. It talks a lot about memories, nostalgia, and the ways the past is connected to the present, and whether we can truly go back and change anything in the past.
And then right at the end, it kinda pulls the rug out from under the reader's feet and leaves you feeling like: What? What did I just read? Where did that come from?
From a sensationalist point of view, it was actually really engaging. I couldn't put it down and finished the latter half of it within a single sitting (it didn't take very long either, since it's such a short book). It definitely also offered a lot of discussion-worthy points so I'm glad I read this along with a few friends so we could really discuss this.
But ultimately, I felt like this book could've done a lot more with the very interesting points it raised, instead of dumping a complete plot twist on the reader right at the end, and without even going into the implications of that plot twist too. It almost felt like the author just... didn't really know how to end it, which is pretty ironic given the title.