Average rating4
4.5 stars officially
That was bananas! This book was recommended to me as being better than Patrick Rothfuss, George R. R. Martin, and Robert Jordan...so, I had to read it. I'm not sure I can agree with my friend outright but my apprehension in doing so is steeped in ignorance.
Fantasy stories aren't what I deem “my wheelhouse.” However, given my last few excursions into the genre I have considered seriously reconsidering my taste preferences. And I can safely say this book was the final straw in my transformation. I'm officially a nerd, thank you James Islington.
Good grief this story was awesome. Great characters. compelling sub plots. Nearly flawless development woven almost seamlessly with solid pacing. There were a few (very few) times I felt myself wandering. My interest didn't wane but I was wishing I didn't need the critical details I was gathering...which I always ended up needing...so I re-read some things to make sure Islington hadn't cut some corner. In each case, he didn't skip stuff, I simply missed it.
The crown jewel of this book, though, was the writing. Spellbinding and smooth. Hints were dropped, strong visuals throughout, and an emphasis on dialogue over exposition through prose conquered all.
Do not stop. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. DO NOT WAIT TO READ THIS BOOK!