The shelf

The shelf

2014 • 271 pages


Average rating4


Add another title to my list of favorite Books About Books. Phyllis Rose (almost) randomly selects a shelf in her library with the goal of reading (almost) every book on it. Thankfully, she doesn't choose a completely random shelf; wouldn't it be awful if she chose a shelf composed of a single, terrible author?! Thankfully, she doesn't assign herself to read every book on the shelf; wouldn't it be awful if she had to read every book of an author rather than choosing a sizable sample?!

Her experiment is a nice combination of randomness and choice and all ends well. Rose drifts where the books take her and continues off the path each time, taking us, her readers, on a lovely walk through book countries few of us have ever and will never visit. Yes, a great read for those of us who love Books About Books.

March 15, 2014