The Slab


Average rating4


I'm a massive GOW fan so I really enjoyed reading this book. The beginning was a bit slow but it picks up. The story jumps around between different perspectives and characters, but everything revolves around Marcus' incarceration in the Slab. If you've read the other books, like me, you may be expecting to FINALLY read the story from Marcus' perspective- but you won't. Travis writes from everyone's perspective EXCEPT his. However, out of all the books, Marcus opens up the most in this story and you do see and understand his personality better once he's in the Slab. My favorite sections were when he was in the Slab for those reasons. Without mentioning spoilers, you will discover why and how he was incarcerated, you get a bit of insight into his and Anya's relationship, you see Dom's devotion as his brother, and you see just what kind of effect Marcus has to those around him. You also find out how he got his scar. What I don't like is that the ending leaves a couple of things open or unanswered. A slight spoiler, for example, is in reference to GOW 1 when Dom releases Marcus from the Slab. Remember those bodies hanging from the ceiling? It's never mentioned in the story. I was really looking forward to learning why “you don't want to know” as Marcus said to Dom. Other than that though, I highly encourage GOW fans to read this if you love the video game and want to know more about the GOW universe.

December 21, 2017