Average rating4.3
This is probably my Favorite of Sanderson Secret Projects Novels
The premise is that Nomad is running from a mysterious group called the Night Brigade and he has been jumping from world to world in the cosmere trying to escape this group that is hunting him.
There is so much I want to say but don't want to spoil it for those who might read it at some point. What I can say is that if you are a cosmere fan or not I think you would enjoy this kind of sci/fan book. Its got its science fiction aspects as well as Cosmere magic system and investure within this book with several references to both Scardial from Mistborn and Roshar from Stormlight Archive
I love the connections, I love discovering more info about Wit/Hoid (cosmere fans know it, if you dont know it read more cosmere lol) and the shards of Andolnasium I am trying really hard not to spoil anything here and will be doing a video review on my channel
This is set on a unique world that is essentially melted and reformed daily from the intense energy and heat of its sun and the people of this world live on the run from the sun travelling the world trying to stay on the nightside of this world and imho this is a very unique setting for a cosmere world and one I really like reading about
not much more I can say about this without spoilers so I will leave it at that for now
Originally posted at www.youtube.com.