The Third Book of the Dun Cow

The Third Book of the Dun Cow

2013 • 146 pages

The epilogue is a travesty. Until then, this book would have received 2 stars, even in spite the indulging in canine procreation. Because there are some nice points. I like the Raven and the light wolves, even though... Uh. Christian allegories.

The twisting of real animals to fit as characters of his story continues, making grotesque caricatures of both real animals and their human counterparts, so grotesque they become incongruous. This means that people reading the story cannot identify people in the story and the fable loses its power.

This also makes the actual facts of animals and their behavior unnecessary and confusing, not adding anything to the story. This is a short book, only about 150 pages, but... apparently it wasn't short enough. So much could - and should - have been cut out.

December 27, 2019