The Time Machine

The Time Machine


DNF - during chapter 6 of the audiobook - around 50%

As much as it absolutely KILLS me, I cannot force myself through any more of this book. It's bland and boring, I hate the main guy so very much - he's an entitled, self-absorbed, selfish creep - and time hasn't been kind to the story.

I've not been listening to the story and everytime I try to, I barely manage five minutes before I have to stop. That's not a pick at the narrator because I quite like his voice. It's very British and proper and easy to understand. But the book is just...ugh. It feels like you're supposed to be agreeing with ‘the time traveler' in that it's ‘a wonderful world but I'm too good to live here.'

Also, on a technical side, the story is first person narration of another first person narrator and that just doesn't work for me. And there is very little conversations in the book. None in the meat for the story. I had originally thought that I would have been better off reading the book instead of listening to it, but once I realized there's really no conversations, I also realized that my eyes would start to glaze over and skim the pages. (That always happens where there's a lack of dialogue. I like talky people.)

I just can't. It's a classic, I know. Definite kudos because without this book/author, I really think the science fiction genre would have developed differently. I've seen/read so many shows/movies/books that borrow from it and I WANTED to like this story so badly. That's why I pushed myself as much as I did. But when listening to five minutes of this actually makes me angry, it's time to find another book.