Average rating4.2
The third instalment in the Percy Jackson series is by far the best one yet.
This series follows a similar formula every book, but this one had some things the other ones didn't.
The flaw I found in previous books was the one dimensional characters, but in this one is was surprised: We start to see the relationship between Percy and Annabeth develop, and I can for sure say this adds so much depth to this two characters, (plus come on they're so freaking cute when they're together)
In The Titan's Curse we finally see a more mature (that doesn't mean less funny) cast of characters, thinking twice before making decisions and about how their actions affect others, cause I was just tired of Percy making stupid desicions without thinking about the consequences.
ARTEMIS' CREW GUYS. I just loved them sososo much, and they added a lot to the story, specially Zoe<3 She was the Annabeth factor when the last one was absent(kind of).
And I hope to discover more about the DiAngelo brothers in the next instalment. I just felt we didn't get enough of them in this book and that's mainly why I'm giving this it 4.5 stars instead of just a full 5 stars.
This one I can say gripped me the most out of the three books I've read so far in the series.
Looking foward to read The Battle of The Labyrinth!