The Tragic Daughters of Charles I: Mary, Elizabeth & Henrietta Anne

The Tragic Daughters of Charles I

Mary, Elizabeth & Henrietta Anne



Average rating5


Princesses are supposed to have bright futures of glittering balls, grand marriages, and dreams of ruling a country as queen one day. They are not supposed to be moving from place to place, worried about their family, and whether or not their

The three daughters of Charles I led sad and short lives. None of them lived long, and each of them faced different challenges in their lives. From their father being beheaded while they were young, to the struggle of their brother to gain the throne of England, these princesses led very different lives from some of their counterparts. Instead of having grand matches and large doweries, they were living on the generosity of others.

This book was amazing! I can't give it all away, you are going to have to read this one yourself. The sad and short lives of these princesses still evoke sympathy for their short and dramatic lives. Add this to your to read shelf now!

April 16, 2019Report this review