The Vampire Encyclopedia

The Vampire Encyclopedia

1993 • 303 pages


Average rating2.5


I liked reading this book, but it is a bit annoying when it says to refer to particular information in the book instead of explaining any connection to vampires in (folklore, historical accounts of vampires, vampirisim or any superstitious, religious related beliefs that involves vampires)
Some historical cases of vampires could be added since it does involve a vampire or unsolved crime, that still remains unsolved today. “True crime” that involves vampires could also be added in this book or a separate book. “The Atlas vampire” is a well known case that wasn't mentioned in this book, but it is relevant to the content of the book. The explanation of Dhamphirs doesn't include the fact that they are a (half-human/half-vampire) creature that is the result of a human-vampire sexual union and they are the offspring of that union.
I would of the preferred it if the book was divided into separate sections for folklore, legends, lore, mythology, religious beliefs, and other sections such as art, writers-poets, artists, playwrights, film director's, actors etc..
The book is a endless list of information and there are no chapters to break up the ongoing information, but I have found this book interesting to read and I have learnt new information about vampires and the customs/beliefs of people in Europe historically, their spiritual/religious beliefs/superstitious beliefs & customs, but sometimes information in the book can be a little bit repetitive. Every time the author has mentioned a known “serial killer” he refers to them as a “mass murderer” which are two completely different types of murderers.
Mass murderers that have murderer a lot of people at once in a day such as blowing up a building with a bomb, or targeting a large group of people at a event/place due to the crime being racially/or involving prejudice due to race/nationality or sexual orientation of people of different ages.
Fritz Haarmann was a serial killer, that with the help of two people targeted and mutilated, raped, molested and murdered a lot of young boys over time, he never murdered a large number of people all at once which would make him or anyone a mass murderer. I
t is annoying that people don't seem the understand the difference between serial killer (sometimes called serial murderer) or a mass murderer.
Either the author/people in general don't seem to understand that a person that is necrophile (a person that engages in the act of necrophilia is called a necrophile/necrophiliac.
A lot of known serial killers are either a sexual sadist, necrophile or cannibal or all of those things as well as being a predatory serial killer) (A necrophile has the sexual desire/attraction, obsession or urge to have sexual intercourse with the corpse of a person they have either recently murdered, dug up from a desecrated grave or they are in a hospital morgue.
Necrophile's are sometimes a necrophagist (they have the desire to consume the flesh of a corpse & drink their blood)
They see the person as their possession, their property, they were their property to do with whatever they wanted when they were alive, the same applies after they are dead, some serial killers are lonely, delusional, mentally unhinged and disturbed.
They may treat the person like they are alive, talk to them, have a relationship with them, due to the person now being dead and a corpse they cannot say no.
They own them, they control what happens to the victim when they were alive and after they are used, mutilated, raped murdered, decapitated, or whatever the methodology the killer used is. Cannibals believe that if they cannibalised their victim that they would consume part of that person into them forever.
I can understand why vampires, werewolves, demons or cannibals could be thought to be vampiric or demonic in nature or connected to witchcraft/occultism-black magic or witchcraft that is darker in nature.
Some serial killers decapitate their victims, and keep their heads as a trophy, to remind them of their kill. Ted Bundy decapitated some of his victims and put makeup on their faces to make them look pretty again, after what he did to the victims.
There is a chilling interview that involves Ted Bundy talking about where he placed the decapitated head of Georgeann Hawkins.
There are different types of necrophiles, some collect bones of animals/people, some people keep decapitated heads for the purpose of fellatio.
I think some necrophiles are vampires/werewolves, otherkin occultists, witches not all of them are bad people, but for the people that commit horrendous or atrocious crimes, they need help from a professional.)
I wish people would use the correct terminology or the right usage of the terminology, because it can confuse/annoy people if it isn't used correctly.
I read a lot of true crime books, so I know the difference between a serial killer, mass murderer or spree/thrill seeking killer or one-off murderers.
It doesn't mention in the book if a vampire can enter a building that is abandoned, in ruins or desecrated ground, they wouldn't need a invitation into the building.
I would like to know if a vampire can have a doppelgänger, if any vampire was/is a witch as well, if they can astral travel to consume the blood, psychic or sexual energy of their intended victim.
The connection between vampires and nocturnal animals is briefly explained but not in much detail.
I think that sometimes that the author can be a bit “preachy” about Christianity or that most spiritual beliefs that are alternative to Christianity is considered evil, or wrong just because it's different. Ancient civilizations in Greece, Mesopotamia and other countries believed in evil entities, evil spirits, or demons that were demonic and vampiric in nature, that the native people sacrificed animals, people and blood to them to appease them.
Not everything historically is associated or was created just because Christians existed, so it offended me that the author has a narrow-minded view of the spiritual beliefs, occult related beliefs people had in ancient civilizations leading up to the modern day.
A lot of spiritual beliefs, customs, spiritual practices, different forms of witchcraft are Pre-Christian in origin.
I think it is disrespectful to disregard the spiritual/occult beliefs of people from different cultures historically in ancient civilizations, people in Eastern European countries as a “superstition” People didn't understand decomposition since medicine at the time was not very advanced at the time, people believed in and were afraid of vampires, werewolves, witches, devil-worshippers or Lucifer in different eras of time and in different cultures due to occult related beliefs and spiritual/occult practices (different types of witchcraft, spiritual beliefs-spiritual practices related to their beliefs) Just because people choose to a cynical skeptic it doesn't disprove the numerous eye witness testimonies of vampires, werewolves, witches, cryptids (Cryptozoology-The study of any animal/person of unknown species or origin)
Some of the entries in the book don't have a lot of information which can be a little bit frustrating it is hard to find out anymore detailed information about it for research purposes.
I am a believer in the supernatural/paranormal and the occult so I am tired of people being narrow-minded and treating the “true-believers” as if they are crazy or delusional you can't dispute what a person has seen or experienced, you can't it didn't happen just because you don't believe.
It doesn't disprove that it happened, there are normal explanations for some vampire/werewolf or witch sightings, which would be mental illness & delusions or hallucinations.
The hallucinations could have been caused by a fungus in bread that is causes hallucinations, which is called ergot.
However I still believe that some people did experience seeing a real vampire, werewolf (or shape-shifting witch that dedicated their soul to Lucifer to be able to take on the form of a animal to then be able to take the blood, or psychic & sexual energy of a person while they are unaware, while sleeping, since the person is vulnerable then.)
I would like to know if some sightings of anything supernatural/occult related in origin was a shape-shifter (that can take the form of a animal or anything else to lure and entice their victims to their death) I'm surprised that the author didn't mention “vampire graves” the original custom as a preventative measure to avoid vampirism. A stone was placed in the mouth of the corpse, or the head was decapitated and place between the feet and their heart was pierced with a weapon.
All of this was done historically in various parts of the world in various eras of time and different cultures that had/have various supernatural, paranormal, folklore or occult related beliefs and practices based on those beliefs. Their beliefs and practices were to prevent spiritual or physical harm, vampirism, or psychic, spiritual and physical attack from a vampire, werewolf, witch, demon, familiar of a witch, shapeshifting witch/cryptid or native person that was/is a witch.
I have enjoyed reading about beliefs and spiritual practices throughout the world to prevent vampirism. I would like to read a similar book about werewolves, shapeshifters, witch's and their familiars, demons and possession.

August 25, 2020