Average rating3.9
My first [a:Mariana Zapata 5760202 Mariana Zapata https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1330380214p2/5760202.jpg] read was [b:Lingus 13500758 Lingus Mariana Zapata https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1330240154s/13500758.jpg 19047610] and though it started off okay the last third sort of took a nose dive for me which is why I approached this with a little bit of trepidation. Also it's 16 hours long!Don't fear. You're in good hands all around. MZ wrote an excellent slow slow slow burn story which reads utterly authentic and [a:Callie Dalton 7438028 Callie Dalton https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] delivers the goods with heart to spare. I loved it.