The Watchmaker's Daughter

The Watchmaker's Daughter

2016 • 302 pages


Average rating3.6


To be very honest, I didn't really like this one a lot overall, but let me start off with what I did like about it. The magic system had really great promise and I was genuinely interested in finding out more about the mysterious clock that Matt had, and what powers India was going to turn out to have regarding clocks. The set-up for the mystery around Matt and his watch was pretty neat, and that really kept me going in the beginning chapters. I also kinda enjoyed the banter and chemistry between Willie, Duke, and Cyclops.

Now, things I didn't like. Relating to the above, I wish more had been done with the magic system. The book kinda starts off with that particular mystery, but then switches tack halfway to the hunt for an American outlaw, the Dark Rider, and we only find out some answers to the magic system in a pretty hasty and anticlimactic revelation scene at the end. It's like their magic powers is more of an afterthought even though I personally found it much more interesting than the American outlaw thread.

There was also a lot about the book that didn't make sense to me, especially India's ridiculous crime-solving skills: Matt is newly arrived from America, an America outlaw has been newly spotted around town, therefore he must be the outlaw! Matt's cousin is named Johnson, the American outlaw is named Johnson, therefore the outlaw must be from Matt's family! The leaps in logic here really took me out of the story a lot.

I was also not a huge fan of the romance between India and Matt. Aside from the insta-lust thing going on which I get is a trope in this genre by this time, it was honestly a little discomfiting how much India would get sexual thoughts about Matt at the worst moments, like in the middle of a high-speed chase, or when mysterious gunshots ring in the house in the middle of the night and when she is comforting a scared old lady.

There were many other instances where characters' motivations felt inconsistent to me and sadly, I couldn't really immerse myself into the story as much as I would've liked. I really really wish the magic system played more of a part in this story though! It had such great potential to be something new and refreshing.

February 5, 2022