Average rating4.6
Welcome to a world ravaged by storms that shape the lands, where creatures inhabit its desolate landscapes, where shards are used to power weapons and make gods out of the people who can wield them. The people who inhabit the land are a wild bunch. There are those seeking power, those seeking vengeance, those brave enough to seek truth despite insurmountable odds, those who seek knowledge, and those being controlled to enact heinous acts of violence.
War rages on the Shattered Plains. An inexplicable war. Soldiers are expendable, armies are divided, thrones are coveted, and uniting the lands seems insurmountable. A small glimpse of hope is out there. Could it be in the form of visions? Could it be in the hands of a slave? Could it be from a voice reading from The Way of Kings? The answer is not so complex. “Unite them” is the mantra.
All life is priceless, all life is meaningful, and all life needs is a small glimpse of hope. Some characters trust, some characters destroy, and some characters put life before death.
Can a past be so atrocious that we may want to erase those we love from our memories? Can a deed so dark and unbecoming make us steal power and artifacts to protect the family? Can a betrayal and death of a loved one set us on a path to captivity and self-harm? Can a kingdom hang in the balance because of an insignificant piece of material? These are questions to ponder upon.
It's the strength before weakness that helps the phoenix rise; it's the journey before destination that helps pull characters out of the muck and believe in themselves; and it's the constant disregard of the odds that makes us captivated and marvel at their selflessness.
Welcome to Roshar, my friends...
6 out of 5