The White Thread
The White Thread
Short Review: This series continues to be very good. Good enough that I stayed up until 2 AM to finished it earlier this week. I am not going to give away details of the story. But this is the third year that The Six return to their magical world. They have to deal with the implications of the tragedy that happened at the end of the second book. And they have to deal with the continued relationship issues between Darcy and Prince Tellius (since there is a prophecy that says that they will get married and that neither really likes they idea of being forced into marriage). The six and Prince Tellius are now 15 years old. There is 15 year old stuff going on in the book that as an adult reader, even if it is realistic, is a bit wearing.
But what I love as an adult reader that has read fairly widely not just in young adult fantasy, but fantasy and classic fiction more broadly, there are subtle references to books throughout the series, but the references are both more frequent and more important in The White Thread. Good authors are readers. And seeing these references and allusions to others books and story isn't just self indulgent or ‘look at what I read.' They give a sophisticated sense to the story telling. Some young adult books are just a flat surface story. The book is nice and the story decent, but there is no depth. Books that have both subtlety and something under the surface that will help the book have a longer life, give more meaning to the story and give a reason for multiple readings.
My longer review is on my blog at