Average rating4.1
3.5-4/5 або 7.5/10
Дуже і дуже довго вагалася з оцінкою, бо мені в цілому сподобалось, але...
Спочатку не вистачало динаміки, бо перша частина задала великий темп. Сюжет розвивався якось дивно і трохи нудно. Всю першу частину Джуд дуже бісила. Вона брала на себе надто багато, хоча, зрозуміло, вона не була готова до цього. Кардан, той ще п'яниця. Багато чого в кінці було не зрозуміло, хоча мені подобалися повороти. Кінец доволі відкритий, тому вже чекаю поки зможу прочитати наступну книгу. Залишилося дуже багато загадок і таємниць...
Чому Привид? Який в нього мотив? Чому йому відокремили такий великий сюжетний поворот, при цьому не виділивши більше часу для нього... Цей момент для мене дуже дивний.
This novel epitomizes the classic pitfalls of both young adult and middle book syndrome. Initially, the story takes its time to find its footing, making the beginning somewhat of a slow burn. This sluggish start might test the patience of readers eager for the same captivating momentum that its predecessor had set. However, as the narrative progresses, the plot abruptly shifts gears, accelerating at a breakneck pace. This sudden change is jarring, as it feels like the story is only just hitting its stride before it rushes towards the conclusion. The rapid escalation towards the end leaves readers somewhat disoriented, as you barely have time to process the unfolding events before the book reaches its climax. The characters continue to be engaging, and the world-building is rich, but the uneven pacing affects the overall enjoyment of the novel.
I dunno, I didn't walk away from this one feeling anything in particular. So I'll give it a 3. But it wasn't horrible. I guess maybe the romance isn't as good as it could be.
this was definitely better than the 1st book and there was some plot twists that got me. loving the slow burn too
A continuação de O príncipe cruel. Continuamos conhecendo o mundo das fadas com mais seres que sugem do nada e vão não sei pra onde. Aqui as coisas apenas EXISTEM e não existem grandes descrições pra te fazer compreender 100% o mundo mas a história acontecem. Tem um ritmo parecido com o primeiro mas achei um pouco mais lento no geral, mais parado apesar de rolar um monte de treta também. Acho que acabei dando 4 estrelas e quero o terceiro, porque não vou ficar com a história pela metade kk muita gente odeia, mas eu me divirto com pouco - quando tô disposto, e ainda recomendo.
Le iba a dar 3 estrellas pero con ese final.... se merece las 4 estrellas sin duda, deseando leerme La Reina de nada. Dios! Que ganas de leerlo!!!
Ik vond dit boek veel minder leuk dan deel 1. Toch vond ik het geen slecht verhaal. Ik vind Jude haar verhaal echt heel erg leuk en ik vind het mooi om te zien hoe ze zichzelf ontwikkeld.
Ik ben benieuwd wat er in het derde en laatste boek zal afspelen en hoe dit verhaal zich zal gaan afsluiten.
Wow. Todos los plot twist me han pillado desprevenida. Ninguno de ellos me esperaba. Es verdad que la primera parte se hace un poco más pesada pero una vez que coge el ritmo es un no parar. No me esperaba ni todas las traiciones ni ese final. Tengo muchas ganas de leer el siguiente y último libro de la trilogía.
No manches, ya sabia que TODOS hablaban del final de este libro. Que me iba a dejar destrozada, enojada y con un coraje.
Y efectivamente lo hizo.
Postergue este 3 días leer las últimas 20 páginas solo porque me producía una ansiedad tener que ver ese final y también porque no quería que se acabara este libro.
Quería que me durara un poco más.
1000000/10 este libro.
Tengo muchisimas ganas de leer La reina de nada después de este final. No obstante, tengo que comentar que no ha sido hasta más de la mitad del libro que me he enganchado, eso sí, cuando me he enganchado ha sido cuando ha ocurrido lo mejor del libro. Madre mía. De verdad que tengo ganas de ver cómo se termina esta trilogía, porque no sé qué esperarme.
Холли Блэк нашла свою золотую жилу - просто повторяй события прошлой книги, но в других статусах. Кардан король, а Джуд его сенешаль, которой он подчиняется. Она снова не верит Кардану, ведет себя как дурочка, а потом прыгает в его объятия с чувствами ненависти. У фэйри все еще единственная характеристика при дворе - это жестокость. Про мотивацию я даже начинать не хочу.
И все это, попрошу, происходит через пять месяцев после первой книги. То есть нам не показывают, как все привыкали к новому Королю, как Джуд осваивалась на месте сенешаля, а сразу переносят в то время, когда все хорошо. Проклятье второй книги или все же проблема в авторе? Зачем развивать нормальные конфликты, когда можно высосать все из пальца, да? Например, “раскрытие мира” происходит через представителей морского мира, но кому не плевать?
Но в этой части был хоть какой-то смысл. Вроде Кардан наконец-то проявляет свою хитрую сторону - нет, правда, концовка заставила меня с удивлением проснуться. События при короне становятся важнее, но они забываются едва перевернешь страницу. А все второстепенные персонажи еще больше стали картонками. Здесь все до зубного скрежета просто и создано ради восхваления Джуд, человека, который пробился к высокому званию с помощью авторского произвола. Назвать это удачей у меня язык не поворачивается.
Now that Jude has the crown, controlling Cardan and ruling through him, what is the cost for keeping that power?
I can't believe I waited so long to get back into this series. Filled with treachery, political intrigue and strategy this made for an amazing book.
I tried, I swear I tried, but I still didin't feel connect with any of the characters.
This was definitely an improvement. Unlike [b:The Cruel Prince 26032825 The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1) Holly Black https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1574535986l/26032825.SY75.jpg 45959123] it does not spend 120 pages on meaningless nonsense. The writing is improved, Jude is... alright, I guess, and Cardan became the ‘I was abusive because I was abused' trope but, same as with the first book, I can forgive that. It's a fun trope.The plot here is actually important. Jude can be as wince-worthy self-poisoning anime protagonist as she likes and it won't stop the plot from being fun. Mithridatism might be a real thing that can work but it really doesn't need to be mentioned so often.Honestly, I have so much less to say about The Wicked King. It was fine. The definition of fine. It improved a lot, it got original, the political schemes were not totally stupid even if the whole premise for it is extremely non-sensical because Jude is very stupid but I was able to suspend my disbelief enough.Indeed Cardan never got any comeuppance for his abuse of Jude in the first book. Instead she comes to love him for whatever reason and he continues to be enamored by her even though he hates her and she did make him her magical slave. It's a very toxic relationship and I wish the book acknowledged that and had them work through it (hopes for The Queen of Nothing).I do wish the cast got a little more character development. The ‘Court of Shadows' is a bunch of names that attempted to have character and then failed. I really wouldn't be able to tell The Roach and The Ghost apart without the text specifically saying who's who. Maybe that's just me...Very optimistic for the next book. If it improves upon The Wicked King the same that improved upon The Cruel Prince it just might be a genuinely good book!
a whirlwind of emotions and hard to put down Holly black has proven to be co sistent in her writing and is able to properly write a strong yet flawed female character in Jude
I wasn’t fully invested in The Cruel Prince. It felt it took right until the end to interest me, so I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to continue with The Wicked King. I’m glad I did.
There’s a nice amount of twists and turns in this one. I have a knack for predicting what will happen and I was gladly surprised by a lot of the twists. Both Jude & Cardin have nice development in this one.
While the series hasn’t fully hooked me, it’s been an enjoyable read and looking forward to The Queen of Nothing.
Kind of has a mildly interesting twist but it's not worth the 200 pages of nothing that I had to read first