Average rating4
4.5 stars
God this was so good.
I listened to this one on audio and I was so completely immersed in the story that I was genuinely shocked when it ended, I could have kept listening for hours longer so I'm glad it's a trilogy.
This is raw and brutal and heartbreaking at times, but really doesn't overdo the graphic side of the life of the women in the brothel. It really focuses on how cruelty, power and abuse can affect these women and how they look after and support each other through it.
I loved the descriptions of Pompeii, the streets, the buildings and the pictures on the walls, as I've been to the ruins of Pompeii I could easily imagine the places we visited in the story.
Given how closely this is set to the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79, only 5 years prior, I'm very intrigued to see where this goes in the next 2 books and will be continuing very soon.