They Both Die at the End

They Both Die at the End

2017 • 336 pages


Average rating3.7


First of all, thanks to the author for always writing books that make me cry so much near the end. Every freaking time.This was really fluffy and cute at times, and then proceeded to rip my heart out in the last two chapters. I connected with Mateo's way of thinking a lot because damn social anxiety.Even knowing the ending did not soften the blow delivered at the end because it came out of nowhere, when everything was fine just a PAGE AGO!!! I might've read the last chapter through a haze of tears, and then the last line of the book delivered the finishing blow. Yes, thank you! I love having my heart stomped on like that! I was bawling so bad that I had to get my copy of [b:Carry On 32768522 Carry On (Simon Snow, #1) Rainbow Rowell 43346673] out and read bits and pieces of it to calm down! THIS WAS NOT OK! How dare this book!P.S. Forgot to mention but I visited NASA's website while reading the book and put on the sounds of the planets as BGM which was a cool, new discovery :D (This consisted of radio emissions from spacecrafts being converted to sound waves). Here's a link to that: Space Sounds

July 20, 2019