This is Paris

This is Paris

I found [b:Children's Book-a-Day Almanac 13264753 Children's Book-a-Day Almanac Anita Silvey 18467961] and decided to read the books recommended - if I can find them. This one is for August 25th, because “At dawn on August 25, 1944, the Second French Armored Division entered Paris, ending the German occupation. Charles de Galle led a parade that day down the Champs Elysees.”I like this book. I would say the pictures are enjoyable for both the children and the adults reading the text. It was written some time ago, so I don't think that is Paris any longer :-D But some things certainly are as they were in this book. It makes me want to see Paris and also read the other “This Is...” books by Miroslav Sasek.

September 9, 2020