Average rating4.5
The introduction speaks about the fear people have of a post-apocalyptic world, and how for indigenous people, the world has been post-apocalyptic since colonization. I never considered that perspective before, but when I thought about fictional dystopias, it suddenly seemed obvious.
These stories reveal the dystopic world indigenous people have endured. However, the stories also contain hope and optimism. They have an overriding theme that despite centuries of trying to erase indigenous culture and traditions, the people stay strong and come together to support one another. And it shows how their resolve has resulted in positive change.
I think what makes this collection so special is that some of the history was new to me, some of it was not, but learning historical events wasn't the point. It took known historical moments and characters, and changed the lens, moved the perspective, made me see the events I knew in a way I didn't properly consider before. And it changed me. It changed the way I look at this country. It changed the way I read history.
This is a fantastic achievement, put together by incredibly talented writers and artists, and I can't recommend it enough.