Average rating3.9
~Full review on The Bent Bookworm!~I have done my best to avoid spoilers and there are definitely no plot spoilers! However if you don't want to know ANYTHING about the characters you might not want to read.[b:Throne of Glass 7896527 Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1) Sarah J. Maas https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1495278054l/7896527.SY75.jpg 11138426] launches us into what promises to be an epic fantasy adventure. I love the way we're immediately thrown in with Celaena in a dangerous, scary situation because I, naturally, want to know HOW THE FUCK she ended up there. Also how she can seem to be so young and yet so skilled, so brutal...and yet so obsessed with frilly dresses.Both of these are totally Celaena. I'm still not sure how she does it or why, especially as she even notes that all the layers of skirts hamper her fighting skills. Only somehow she doesn't seem to get caught in particularly bad situations while all dolled up. Hmm.The forest was different here. The leaves dangled like jewels – tiny droplets of ruby, pearl, topaz, amethyst, emerald, and garnet; and a carpet of such riches coated the forest floor around them. Despite the ravages of conquest, this part of Oakwald Forest remained untouched. It still echoed with the remnants of the power that had once given these trees such unnatural beauty.Maas has created a beautiful world that is by turns thrilling, intriguing, and terrifying. I would like to visit, but retain the option to return to my own world with the push of a button.