THREE ½ STARS (GR we need that ½ star option!) This is the sequel to [b:Another Way 12592780 Another Way (Another Way #1) Anna Martin 17607664] and perhaps right there lies the first problem. For me that book was almost perfect in the way that it told the story of a young man on his journey to embracing his BDSM desires and furthermore as a heretofore heterosexual falling in love with his Dom, Will, who is possibly one of the best guys I've read in any genre. It really didn't need a continuation. The “careful what you wish for” adage is very fitting in this case (though I had not wished it). The book starts off fine; an easing us into what life is like for Jesse & Will and how they are settling into the different aspects of their relationship: the couple part & the D/s part. This part is well done though the style of writing does seem to lack the passion & urgency of the first book. It makes sense. There is no urgency. Just a succession of “this happened and this happened and then Will kissed me etc.” Everything seems to be exactly right yet I barely got warm and then .... THE BIG THING HAPPENS. Jesse & Will skid on black ice and have a pretty bad accident as they are heading home from a snowboarding weekend and Will feels guilty as Jesse is hurt, but so is Will, and he goes away for a bit to regroup . Though traumatic what happens is not something insurmountable and while Will's original response is fine he does IMHO go a little overboard but is later willing to fix it whereas Jesse comes off as a bit of a selfish brat in that he seems incapable of being empathetic to Will's plight for even a week! Yes we know he is a sub and that is why he needs and has Will but in the first book when he was going through much more emotional upheaval and turmoil he seems stronger. It would seem that his time with Will has just made him dependent and not in a good way.I added the extra ½ star because of my great love for the first book and because I live in hope that the third installment will reestablish these two guys whom I love.

September 28, 2015