1990 • 687 pages


Average rating4


I loved this book so very very very much until the epilogue. I thought it was a fantastic character exploration and was pleasantly surprised to not be able to find a true hero or villain in the piece. Every character is masterfully well-rounded and motivated by many opposing factors. The theme on the power of pride and how people let it shape them for good or evil resonated very deeply within me. After slogging through “A Song of Ice and Fire,” this was refreshing fantasy. It has a fast pace and remains real without getting as graphic as ASoIaF.

Then I got to the very last sentence and about threw the book across the room. My book club specifically picked this because it was a stand alone novel without a sequel after the last two books caused frustrating time sinks for people without much reading time. That means that unless Mr. Kay has a change of heart (and he wrote this book over 20 years ago), we the audience are left with this awful pit in our stomachs. My advice, read the book, stop at the epilogue.

June 2, 2012