To All the Boys I've Loved Before
2014 • 329 pages


Average rating3.8


Rant mode on.
When I first saw the title of this book on Instagram, I immediately classified this book as a NO-GO-kill-it-with-fire-kind-of-things. Then it got real popular on instagram and Aya bought it so I thought it became a must, just so I can say “yes, I read this book.”
You see, I am not big on romance. I really hate romance. I first thought it was a 35 year-old woman talking about her experiences with men. I mean that would have been interesting. Then I started reading the book and I realized that the main character is 16 and all her loves are 7/8th grade. That was the first turn-off for me (I already considered this book a quickie, a bostitute - book prostitute - so yeah a turn-off is exactly the term I need to be using here). We need to stop making middle grade crushes a big thing in life, and stop making books about them. I don't need more vaginal lubrication and wetness over hot guys be considered “love”. That's bullshit. It is not love, and stop naming it as such.

I will admit. I kind of liked the writing. It was better than most YA books, but then I haven't read a lot of good YA books - if there's any out there. I gave on ever finding a properly written YA book, written to suit my taste.

Lara Jean was actually a kind of a likable character but she pissed me off how she stands up to herself in the most ridiculous of situations and completely shuts up when everyone is forcing her around and telling her what to do and ordering her to dump her boyfriend when it is not really their place to do that.
And then she doesn't tell her sister that Josh kissed her first - actually forced her to kiss him. No. She takes the blame. Why? Because she is soooooooo weak. Such a weak character.

There was no correct plot twists. It dragged on a lot. It was basically a story about a girl who was getting picked up from home to school by hot guy. Seriously. Nothing real. No events. No action. Nothing.
And that ending.

And what about Lara Jean actually standing up to herself when she got bullied by Genevieve? When she was SLUT SHAMED by that bitch? I can understand that slut shaming may be a part of our society but it HAS TO STOP. and she could have stood up to herself and called Genevieve by what she really is, someone who fools around a lot. But no. She has to cower. And cry. And refuse any consolation. And leave us with a cliff hanger because the author apparently is too greedy and wants to sell more ridiculous pages that do nothing to benefit man kind.
It was a silly book.
I mean what the hell.
She could have ended the book with her going to Peter's place or something. It would have left me satisfied, without any need for a sequel.
but no.
She has to make a sequel because that's the new trend, isn't it?
Fucking ridiculous.

July 21, 2015