To Die For

To Die For

2010 • 418 pages

I don't know how to rate this. It's...bad. But! It's Pike's first book and I KNOW he gets better so I can kind of think of it as training wheels. You can see the mind that will later pump out [b:Whisper of Death 137964 Whisper of Death Christopher Pike 1546535] is already rolling with the craziness. So we have some interchangeable characters, a teen bitch, and old friend all snowed in at a chalet in the woods. This one is all set to send women's lib progress back a few years. They are all just boy crazy! Also, they are all harboring memories of a slumber party from the past that ended very, very badly. I figured this one out by page 4 and had to read through some weird attempts at teen romance and a character that was dropping napalm in Germany in the 80's? This is the kind of stuff that comes up in Pike books. Also peeing on your hands in order to unfreeze your fingers long enough to fire off a flare gun.I had this book out for months. I figured I would just quick read Weekend and get it back to the library. Weekend is bad. I'm not even sure Pike wrote it. The lines didn't sound like him. The story made almost NO SENSE and quite honestly, lost me with the paper underwear thing. Whoo. No other notes, I think I just want to wipe this one from my mind and focus on his other works.

November 12, 2020